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Opening up to your support circle

Advice for speaking about menopause diagnosis openly with friends and family

Not everyone feels comfortable to talk openly about menopause, especially with friends, family or a partner. Remember, you’re not alone – below you can explore some simple ways to help you start those conversations, so that your loved ones can be by your side throughout your menopause journey.

Be honest and open
By sharing your experience of menopause symptoms, such as low moods or hot flushes, or any challenges you’re facing throughout this new chapter of your life, your loved ones can better understand what you’re going through.1 It can help them realise why you may not be feeling like yourself at times.
Share your knowledge
Educating your friends, family or partner about menopause can let them know how it affects your body in many different ways and help them consider how they can best support you. You may find it useful to write down a list of your symptoms and discuss how they can help you.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
It’s important to remember that going through menopause is a completely natural part of a woman’s life, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you do feel afraid, why not ask someone who you can trust for help, such as coming with you to your medical appointments or supporting you with any treatment decisions?

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  1. Age UK. Menopause symptoms and finding support [Internet]. Available at: Last accessed October 2024.